Workshop Integrate Network in Zürich ACQUISTA BIGLIETTI Increasing biodiversity to promote adaptation and resilience of European forests by using close to nature forestry × lunedì, 2. giugno 2025 - mercoledì, 4. giugno 2025 2025-06-02 13:00:00 2025-06-04 12:15:00 Europe/Zurich Workshop Integrate Network in Zürich Increasing biodiversity to promote adaptation and resilience of European forests by using close to nature forestry ETH Hönggerberg Apertura porte 12:00 Inizio 13:00 Fine mer 04.06.2025, 12:15 ETH Hönggerberg 8093 Zürich Svizzera Visualizza mappa Sito internet dell'organizzatore Acquista biglietti * Promo * Ulteriori informazioni Ulteriori informazioni AGGIUNGI AL CARRELLO Please note: If you purchase on account, Ticketino will charge a processing fee. WSL data protection regulations for events Please note WSL's data protection regulations (confirmation required during order processing!).