SONOHR: The Second the Water Wets Your Face, Reflexes of Your Aquatic Ancestors Kick In

SONOHR: The Second the Water Wets Your Face, Reflexes of Your Aquatic Ancestors Kick In

AUDIO WORK (ENG) by Erica van Loon, in collaboration with Daniel Steiner, 38 minutes

Samstag, 22. Februar 2025 - Sonntag, 23. Februar 2025
2025-02-22 23:15:00 2025-02-23 00:15:00 Europe/Zurich SONOHR: The Second the Water Wets Your Face, Reflexes of Your Aquatic Ancestors Kick In AUDIO WORK (ENG) by Erica van Loon, in collaboration with Daniel Steiner, 38 minutes Kino REX 1
Türöffnung 20:00
Beginn 23:15
Ende So 23.02.2025, 00:15
Kino REX 1
Schwanengasse 9
3011 Bern
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The Second the Water Wets Your Face, Reflexes of Your Aquatic Ancestors Kick In is an audio work that invites listeners to envelop themselves in a sensuous environ­ment where borders between bodies blur. Inside becomes outside. Guiding words blend with a detailed soundscape, built from voice and field recordings that merge with electronic layers.

Lay down your head and focus on gut feelings. Relax into a bed that’s large enough to be noticed from outer space. Let’s peel the sticky membranes that envelop your brain, make new memories, perform weightless somer­saults and sink towards a sandy dance floor.

Erica van Loon is a multidisciplinary artist based in Amsterdam, where she studied fine arts at Gerrit Rietveld Academy and post graduate institute De Ateliers. Through image, language, and sound, her work explores interconnections between human and non-human bodies and their environments, approaching the bound­aries between the internal and external as porous.

Daniel Steiner is based in Basel and studied music and media art in Bern. He composes, produces and performs primarily electronic music for live performances and scenic formats, collaborating with musicians, performers, visual artists and theatre and film makers in a wide variety of constellations. Both Steiner’s collaborative and solo work is characterized by experimental sampling methods and electronic-generative composition techniques that also integrate acoustic sound sources.


Die Arbeit von Erica van Loon ist ein immersives Hör­stück, das die Hörenden in eine sinnliche Welt eintauchen lässt, in der die Grenzen zwischen den Körpern verschwimmen und das Innere zum Äusseren wird.

Geleitet vom Text und getragen vom Wort ver­schmelzen Sprache, Fieldrecordings und elektronische Texturen zu einer vielschichtigen Klanglandschaft. Es entsteht ein Raum, der zum Loslassen einlädt: den Kopf zurücklehnen, in den Kinosessel sinken und ganz eintauchen – ein einzigartiges Klangerlebnis.

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