Registration ACHETER LES BILLETS We will have a programme packed with exciting talks, rapid fires, poster presentations and a small Apéro in a bar at ETH. × vendredi, 17. janvier 2025 2025-01-17 09:30:00 2025-01-17 18:00:00 Europe/Zurich Registration We will have a programme packed with exciting talks, rapid fires, poster presentations and a small Apéro in a bar at ETH. ETH Zurich, HG D1.1 Ouverture des portes 08:00 Début 09:30 Fin 18:00 ETH Zurich, HG D1.1 Rämistrasse 101 8006 Zurich Suisse Voir le plan Acheter les billets * Promo * Plus d'information Plus d'information AJOUTER AU PANIER