Limited spots available for the YS Winterschool in Engelberg!

jeudi, 27. mars 2025 - dimanche, 30. mars 2025
2025-03-27 16:00:00 2025-03-30 09:00:00 Europe/Zurich Limited spots available for the YS Winterschool in Engelberg! Zschokke-Haus
Ouverture des portes 16:00
Début 16:00
Fin dim. 30.03.2025, 09:00
6390 Engelberg
Voir le plan

Acheter les billets

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Two days of workshops and roundtable discussions combined with activities in the snowy mountains.

Topics like Mental Helth & Work Life Balance, Presentation skills, and Scientific Writing using AI-based tools will be covered. The fee includes accomodation for three nights, dinners, lunches and breakfast.

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