AIA Forum & International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications

AIA Forum & International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications

Empa is delighted to present the 3rd Aerogel Industry-Academia Forum and the 5th International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications. Register by June 1, 2025.

mercredi, 11. juin 2025 - vendredi, 13. juin 2025
2025-06-11 08:30:00 2025-06-13 15:00:00 Europe/Zurich AIA Forum & International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications Empa is delighted to present the 3rd Aerogel Industry-Academia Forum and the 5th International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications. Register by June 1, 2025. Akademie, Empa, Dübendorf
Ouverture des portes 08:30
Début 08:30
Fin ven. 13.06.2025, 15:00
Akademie, Empa, Dübendorf
Überlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf
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The aerogel world is undergoing rapid development. On the industry side, new players are entering the market. New aerogel producers, including start-ups but also established materials manufacturers, introduce their products, compete for market share, or aim to develop new applications and markets. In the meantime, traditional manufacturers keep innovating. Silica aerogel remains the most important product, but polymer and biopolymer aerogels are becoming available as well. Other companies focus on developing process technologies or aerogel based products. On the academic side, there has been a veritable explosion of research into understanding traditional aerogel materials and applications, as well as new aerogel materials combinations, precursors and sustainable raw materials, new aerogel synthesis routes and new potential applications.


Aerogels are advanced, highly porous materials designed to meet the criteria of biomedical or environmental applications. They can be used as drug carriers, bone grafts, or wound dressings in biomedical applications and as insulators, absorbents, sensors, and catalysts in environmental applications. This conference aims to assemble and integrate the most recent progress in aerogels’ scientific and technological knowledge.


  • To strengthen and extend your network in the area of aerogel-related materials, technologies and markets.
  • To introduce your products and services to the aerogel community through talks, posters or booths.
  • To learn about the most current research and developments on aerogels.
  • To meet a pool of newcomer and established specialists in the field as well as potential recruits for your institution or company.


Call for abstracts: Poster and oral presentations. 

Participants are invited to submit high-quality new company developments or academic research works on several topics of interest, which include, but are not restricted to, the following areas:

  • Innovative processing technologies for aerogel-based materials
  • Aerogel product developments
  • Aerogel application demonstrations
  • Aerogel market information
  • Emerging aerogel technologies
  • Aerogels for biomedical (pharmaceutical, regenerative medicine, cosmetics) and food applications
  • Aerogels for environmental (pollutant detection, remediation) applications
  • Bio-based aerogels from biorefinery and circular economy approach
  • Modeling of aerogels
  • Characterization techniques
  • Life cycle and health risk assessments of nanostructured materials
  • Scale-up and industrial uses of aerogels

For template and submission process follow this link.  

Abstract submission deadline: May 1, 2025

Who will be there?

Representatives from the aerogel industry (aerogel producers, technology providers, raw material suppliers, formulators), end-users (industrial and building insulation, car industry, pharmaceutical industry), policy-makers (NGOs, EC-representatives, funding agencies), regulatory entities and academia (aerogel process engineering field, as well as from application-oriented research in the biomedical, toxicological, environmental remediation, catalysis and thermal insulation fields).

The program includes dedicated talks, poser sessions, social events and more networking opportunities. Register by June 1, 2025. 

Find out more details here:

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