SFL ScienceDay

SFL ScienceDay

Forests in the face of accelerating environmental change - Quantifying, monitoring and predicting climate change impacts

vendredi, 14. février 2025
2025-02-14 09:00:00 2025-02-14 18:00:00 Europe/Zurich SFL ScienceDay Forests in the face of accelerating environmental change - Quantifying, monitoring and predicting climate change impacts Universität Basel
Ouverture des portes 08:00
Début 09:00
Fin 18:00
Universität Basel
Petersplatz 1
4001 Basel
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Ongoing climate and environmental changes are affecting forest ecosystems world-wide. In recent years, central and northern Europe regions were particularly hit by extreme droughts and heat waves, resulting in regional forest decline and dieback of so far dominant tree species. Identifying the vulnerability of forest ecosystems to accelerating environmental change, and predicting their future trajectory is thus crucial to anticipate and mitigate the negative effects of climate change on our forests and the biodiversity they contain.

The Swiss Forest Lab Science Day 2025 will bring together contributions from all fields of forest research that aim to identify, quantify, monitor and model future environmental stress on trees and forests, as well as applied research for forest management and restoration in view of the ongoing climate change.

The ScienceDay is a networking event for young scientists to present their research to the wider network. We will welcome oral presentations from early-career scientists at the PostDoc and PhD level and poster contributions from all levels including MSc. students

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